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Exposing the lies and seeking truth doesn't = Hate. This is not a Kate Hate Site. A 'Kate Hate Site" wouldn't have "Shame on Kate AND Shame on Jon" in the reaction box.

Just a place where bloggers and commenters can share an open discussion on all things related to the Gosselins.

This blog was created to expose the spins and lies shared by the media and by several individuals who continue to spread filth and garbage for their own self-interests.

This blog will expose those who continue to spread lies as "truth" and those who base their beliefs and support for one individual based on those lies.
Pursuing Truth, Exposing Lies and Informing the Sheeple

November 29, 2012

Palestine wins statehood status! Now recognized as a State

Israel and the United States has spent years denying the Palestinians right to exist. Even the American media has been brain washing Americans with claims such as "Palestinians don't exist" and many more racist and hateful messages against the indigenous population of Palestine, now known as Israel.

Ever since the illegal settlement and creation of Israel, the Israelis and it's American supporters have done everything possible to wipe the Native population out of the area. US media have ignored the Palestinians Holocaust and the war crimes Israel is guilty of.

Hopefully, if Israel wants PEACE, they will stop bombing the fuck out of the unarmed Civilians living in an open air prison. Not known as the Gaza strip. Israel should now retract back to the borders GIVEN to them by the UN and return the stolen land back to the Palestinians. If they cannot get along with their neighbors, then move back to Europe whey they came from. (DNA evidence proves they came from Europe). Palestinian are more genetically related the biblical Israelite than the current settlers claiming to be "Jews".

Palestinians Win Statehood Status at U.N. Over U.S. Objections

The U.N. General Assembly voted today to approve Palestinians' request to be upgraded to a "non-member observer state," defying opposition by the U.S. and Israel.

Before the vote, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas told the General Assembly that it "is being asked today to issue the birth certificate of Palestine."

Of the 193 countries in the General Assembly 138 voted to recognize Palestine. Only nine, including the U.S., voted against it. Another 41 countries abstained.

In the West Bank, Palestinians erupted in a roar of cheers, horn honking and fireworks as crowds thronged the main square of Ramallah to celebrate the world's recognition of their state.

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Teresa said... [Reply]

YAYYYYYYYY Palestine. BOOOOOOO Canada! Harper kissing the US ass, as usual.

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