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About Us...

Exposing the lies and seeking truth doesn't = Hate. This is not a Kate Hate Site. A 'Kate Hate Site" wouldn't have "Shame on Kate AND Shame on Jon" in the reaction box.

Just a place where bloggers and commenters can share an open discussion on all things related to the Gosselins.

This blog was created to expose the spins and lies shared by the media and by several individuals who continue to spread filth and garbage for their own self-interests.

This blog will expose those who continue to spread lies as "truth" and those who base their beliefs and support for one individual based on those lies.
Pursuing Truth, Exposing Lies and Informing the Sheeple

September 21, 2009

Kate Gosselin Tapes TV Pilot

Kate Gosselin taped the pilot for her new TV show Sunday and got thumbs-up reviews from everyone in the studio and her bosses.

Comments from people who attended the show:

My friends and I were just sitting there trying our best not to laugh when she started talking. She had to do 1 segment over 5 times..

She kept saying, umm ummm ummm and then they would have to start over again..She cannot speak properly for a TV show...

Bull crap..It was not good..She was so phony....

LOL. Go Kate!

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