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Exposing the lies and seeking truth doesn't = Hate. This is not a Kate Hate Site. A 'Kate Hate Site" wouldn't have "Shame on Kate AND Shame on Jon" in the reaction box.

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This blog was created to expose the spins and lies shared by the media and by several individuals who continue to spread filth and garbage for their own self-interests.

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Pursuing Truth, Exposing Lies and Informing the Sheeple

December 20, 2012

Amazon now charging sales tax for CA residents

So we have these Greedy politicians screaming foul about taxes and how corporations should get a tax break. Then we have these idiot Republican voters who actually agrees with these corporations. (Because corporations represents 99% of the population right?) And now, we're paying the price. Let's start paying higher sales tax for everyday needs. Let's pay higher tuition fees because there is no funding for education. Makes perfect sense right? Let the rich pay lower tax and let the middle-class pay more. These Republicans are biting the hands that feed them. And now we all have to pay for it. Looks like Amazon will now charge CA residents and several more states sales tax. Why? Because companies like Walmart and Target are crying foul. Why should Amazon pay taxes when they don't have a warehouse located in CA? Yet Intel, a Company actually located in CA is paying ZERO taxes? Makes perfect sense. Amazon starts charging sales tax in CA

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