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Exposing the lies and seeking truth doesn't = Hate. This is not a Kate Hate Site. A 'Kate Hate Site" wouldn't have "Shame on Kate AND Shame on Jon" in the reaction box.

Just a place where bloggers and commenters can share an open discussion on all things related to the Gosselins.

This blog was created to expose the spins and lies shared by the media and by several individuals who continue to spread filth and garbage for their own self-interests.

This blog will expose those who continue to spread lies as "truth" and those who base their beliefs and support for one individual based on those lies.
Pursuing Truth, Exposing Lies and Informing the Sheeple

November 12, 2009

Kate fans shows how distrubing they really are

Wishing death on Jon Gosselin.  Kate fans are going to far.
Proof that Kate fans are as mentally ill as Kate Gosselin. Birds of a feather.....

Why isn't this miserable fuck dead yet? 

Submitted by Pers on Thu, 11/12/2009 - 5:12pm.
Why hasn't he killed himself yet? 

Submitted by Bunnyman on Thu, 11/12/2009 - 4:54pm.
The fact that this flabby douchebag still breathes is proof that God hates all of us.

Why hasn't God struck this asshole down yet?

It is pretty obvious that these "Kate fans" are fairly new to the J&K show and have never watched the show before the split.  And they're only judging Jon on what the tabloid and SKANKtoro said about Jon in the past 4 months.

Lets not forget that it was Jon who supported the kids for the past 9 years while Kate sat on her butt and slept-in  until 9am every morning.  Kate didn't even fill her own gas tank back then.  Jon did everything.  Woke them up, dressed them, changed their diapers, put together the furniture, played with them, etc etc.

What has Kate done? NOTHING.  Cook, clean, fold clothes? LOL.  They had NANNIES to do all that. What did Kate do? Post on Radar. LOL

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