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Exposing the lies and seeking truth doesn't = Hate. This is not a Kate Hate Site. A 'Kate Hate Site" wouldn't have "Shame on Kate AND Shame on Jon" in the reaction box.

Just a place where bloggers and commenters can share an open discussion on all things related to the Gosselins.

This blog was created to expose the spins and lies shared by the media and by several individuals who continue to spread filth and garbage for their own self-interests.

This blog will expose those who continue to spread lies as "truth" and those who base their beliefs and support for one individual based on those lies.
Pursuing Truth, Exposing Lies and Informing the Sheeple

May 17, 2010

Jon Gosselin riding his 'new bike'?

Not sure what all the fuss is about. Lots of people have motorcycles. Does that make them a bad person? Of course not! You really have to be some type of "jellus hater" to hate on someone because they are riding on a motorcycle.

So he is riding a bike? So what? Didn't TLC pay over 100k for OCC to make Jon Gosselin a new bike? That must make TLC one HORRIBLE company right?

Yes they are. Because when Jon STOPPED the kids from filming, TLC end up taking the bike from Jon and tried to use it as a bargaining chip.

TLC: Hey Jon, you want your bike back? Let us film your kids..

And for all we know, this could just be a distraction. Remember, Jon still under TLC contract. From what his previous lawyer stated, Jon is paid 5k a month from TLC.

Kate is pulling the kids away from school to film her lame show. People are talking about it. So timing for this distraction is perfect.

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